Climate Change is Real, You Can Make a Difference

We envision a future where commerce flourishes in world powered by renewable energy, and where all consumers are aware of the source of the food they eat and the products they buy. From Wi-Fi to air travel to one-click, two-day delivery, our modern lives are full of conveniences inconceivable 100 years ago. The time is now to merge that convenience with consciousness. We can do this. At Resource Revival, we take a three-pronged approach to minimizing our carbon footprint:

Waste Reduction

The 2009 report Opportunities to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Materials and Land Management Practices shows that 29% greenhouse gas emissions in the United States result from the provision of goods produced within the US. Resource Revival reduces this impact by using discarded materials as our primary feedstock, by minimizing product packaging, and by recycling the majority of our waste.

Energy Efficiency

Our workshop is located near one of America's largest hydroelectric dams, so the bulk of our power comes from renewable energy. But we radically reduce our demand in a variety of easy and cost-effective ways, from using high-efficiency fluorescent lighting and heat pumps in our occupied workspaces, to storing the recycled materials we collect in an unheated warehouse space.

Product Design

Many people think of design as simply how things look and operate, but conscious designers put equal focus on the longevity of the product. While we've only been around since 1994, our products are built to last for generations and we frequently hear from people who've had our items for ten years or more. To make sure our products stay in circulation rather than ending up in landfills, we design them so they are easily repaired and easily recycled.

Remember, Your Choices Make a Difference!

Drive less. If you are using fossil fuels, you are putting carbon in the atmosphere, it's that simple. The great news is that by spending less time in your car you will likely experience immediate benefits to your health and well being. Studies show that people who drive alone are the least happy of all commuters. 

Eat less meat. Methane from livestock production is a powerful greenhouse gas. By some estimates the production of animal protein emits ten times more carbon than the same amount of vegetable protein. Buying locally grown food also makes a big difference by reducing transportation impacts.

Buy less stuff. How many presents that you received last year do you still cherish, or even remember? Do you really need that Bike Chain Bowl? (Seriously!) For a great video on the impact of our consumption check out The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard. (Hero! All their videos are awesome.)

Lastly, help spread the word. Tell people you care about climate change. Put a sticker on your bike and park it in front of your office. Wear a t-shirt. Donate to organizations fighting on the front lines (some of our favorites are, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Greenpeace).

Graham Bergh, Founder